
Monday 30 January 2017

Choosing Colours and Yarn Packs

It's always finally settle on the stitch you want for your project, whether it's a blanket, cushion or something else, but you want your colours to look fabulous together, what choices to make?  With 82 shades to choose from, when it comes to Stylecraft Special DK, you really are spoilt for choice!  But...sometimes in just want to take the easy route...and let someone else sort it out for you. 
So...these are the seven yarn packs I'm currently offering at Planet Yarn.  I've faffed and messed about with lots of colour combinations until I was utterly satisfied with the way these combinations talked to each other. I'd like to tell you it was a terrible ordeal that lasted hours and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but that would be a great big fat lie!  I really enjoyed it!  So here's each colour combination in glorious technicolour for you to feast your eyes on: 
 The Vintage Pack came from a discovery, with a lovely friend and client, that duck egg goes deliciously with vintage rose, they just look gorgeous together!  So I played about until I found another four colours that could go with them to create a vintage feel.
The Rainbow Yarn Pack was my first pack.  I adore rainbow was very easy to put these gorgeous bright colours together straight away!  I may have gazed adoringly at them after putting them all together...what's that?  I should get out more...probably...heh!
This pack just put itself together really!  These are only eight of these variegated shades of Stylecraft Special DK so I just took away brown and grey and this is what transpired and became the Variegated Yarn Pack.  They look lovely together!  I like the more rustic nature that these yarns give when knitted or crocheted up.

The Bright Yarn Pack demanded it's existence because the super bright colours fiesta and jaffa pretty much catch my attention every time I have a rifle through my own personal stash.  I found them some bright friends and this rather manic and quite dazzling combination burst into life.  These bright colours cannot fail to cheer you up even on the greyest, grumpiest day!

This is very much the more subdued and sweeter version of the Rainbow Yarn Pack.  I was rather out of my comfort zone admittedly for this pack, bright jewel colours are my usual choices.  However the Pastel Yarn Pack does make me think of cute little baby clothes and blankets, which gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Awww!

This is a colour combination that snuck up on me.  I was playing around with the more muted tones of Special dk and rather liked the way the saffron and storm blue looked together.  It took me a while to find the rest of the colours to complement the snuggly warm and relaxed feeling I was looking for, but I think I cracked it with this Cosy Yarn combination.

This yarn pack is pure indulgence on my part.  Emperor is, possibly, my favourite shade from the whole 82 colours of Special dk.  Teal was always going to go with it but the lobelia and boysenberry shades were a bit of a surprise!  Empire is so very similar to teal but I just love the colours and they work so well with the other four shades...and petrol snuck this is my personal choice yarn pack.  I was a bit stuck for a name but with emperor and empire in there,  Empress just seemed a good choice really!  The Empress Yarn Pack is currently being used in my current WIP, a great big 12 x 12 granny square blanket.  It's looking rather lovely so far...

So, do any of my colour packs tickle your fancy? 
Maybe you've got your own yarn pack idea, let me know, I'll put it together for you.

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